Feast of St. Michael is May 8th-
"Quis ut Deus?"
"Who is like God?"
"Quis ut Deus?"
"Who is like God?"
Dear Friends of the Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success,
A lady who has been a part of our apostolate from the beginning of our work wrote a letter below.
I ask that you read it and then read the links that she asked me to include.
Please prayerfully consider the gravity of the situation our world is in and assist us in spreading the Truth.
Time is of the essence! ( I took the liberty of misspelling a few words in here to stop from getting censorrrrred)
Email from a worried mother:
"May 6, 2021
Dear Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success,
Late last night I received a phone call of desperation and frustration from my son who is in the Healthcare Industry. He is incredibly angry about the situation and what is happening with the rapid distribution of a shot to millions of people with the insertion of “gene therapy.” And now soon children will be given this injection! He will not call it a vaxxination!
He called to ask my help in warning people. He suggested that we do it the old-fashioned way to get information by doing it in a flyer and anonymously. Distributing it to everyone and everywhere!
He has put his career on the line to inform his patients that he sees daily and he doesn’t care anymore if he loses his job because he does not want to work in an industry that wants to kill people! This particular document that he uses is a document from the CDC that states that the FDA has NEVER APPROVED this “v@xxination.”
What he does when he sees the patient is to just talk to him about whether they have made up their mind to get this “v@x” and then he tells him what he is doing personally and why. Then he shows him the document online that states that the FDA has not approved it. That’s it! And he is deterring many of his patients from getting this fatal therapy.
I am hoping that your organization would consider sharing this with others so that people who question what to do will realize that their lives are at stake. And then, go one to wake up others who are not questioning!
He believes with his whole heart and soul that this information should be in the hands of every person on this planet. And that since it is a factual document which admits that the FDA NEVER APPROVED OF THIS "COVID 19 V@XXINATION," no one should take it! As a medical professional, he believes this should be enough to convince anyone and everyone not to accept this jab!
Please Read:
It can also be found here:
This gene therapy in the injection is certain to cause irreparable damage and even death for millions of people. He is also concerned that there is something in this formula that is causing “unv@xxed” people to fall sick. So something is definitely being transmitted. Also, please read this doc that states that contact with “v@xxed, can and will cause some kinds of events:
I know my son has put his whole career on the line for the welfare of others and continues to do this every day. He is on a diabolically infested battlefield fighting almost single-handedly! I am proud of him, but I beg your prayers for him as I know what he is up against- I fear that this program of mass destruction and genocide has been designed and implemented in the depths of Hell!
The document my son shows his patients is attached to this email! God bless you and your apostolate! The Truth Shall Set You Free!
Sincerely, A concerned mother who wishes to help her son."
End of the letter.
PS Please pray for these people and read the attached below.
One from Fr. Altman- his flyer from his parish church.

Additionally we will put more documents on our website please go here:
FDA covering their backside but still no one is paying attention:
Please do pass this along to all of your family and friends and email lists as we truly need souls to join us in spirit prayer and penance for the world!
God bless and keep you always!
"Star of the Stormy Sea of my mortal life, may your light shine upon me so I do not stray from the path that leads me to Heaven."
(From the Last Will and Testament of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres)
The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success
1288 Summit Ave Suite 107
Oconomowoc, WI. 53066
phone 262-567-0920
website: www.ourladyofgoodsuccess.com
In Jesus and Mary,
Kathleen Heckenkamp
The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success
PostedEnviado May 27 2021 at 02:53PM bypor Kathy Haddon
All TRUE!!! God reward you for sharing and make this effective in reaching and touching many hearts, minds and SOULS!