It has been well over 3 yrs since Michelle was diagnosed with pancreatic and another type of cancer while pregnant. She was diagnosed in November of 2015 while carrying her 5th child.
Due to her pregnancy, she opted out of all conventional methods of treating cancer namely, Chemotherapy and Radiation and found some "unconventional methods" to help support her through pregnancy. She has continued with these treatments with some adjustments periodically.
What is key to her circumstances and the devotion of Our Lady of Good Success is that from the very get-go Michelle and her family not only began to pray to Our Lady of Good Success in earnest, but they also took up her banner to help spread this devotion even though she was sick!
She has had a few scares over this period of time when she feared her cancer had returned. However, the conventional doctors have not found any cancer to date. When she has these occurrences, she returns to her natural doctor for a conference to see if she needs something different in her natural health care.
She has had many trials - ups and downs - over the past 3 years, but she continues to forge ahead with her life, her dietary life changes, special treatments, child care, homeschooling etc.
She and her husband, Tim, have a Down Syndrome child as well that presents some extra challenges, but, all and all, this sweet family continues to thrive under God's loving care and Our Lady's mantle!
She specifically asked for prayers during the novena for herself and her family because she recently started having pains again that could not be diagnosed - radiating from her back - a kidney infection was feared. Thus far nothing has been found. At this point, there has been no confirmations from the convention doctors that the cancer has returned. They have even performed tests to check for malignant cells in her urine but it has come back negative.
However, the natural doctor felt that she needed a change in her natural cancer treatments in case the cancer was trying to come back so there has been some adjustments so please remember Michelle as she is a brave warrior in the battle that she fights for her health and her family!
And please remember all of the the many devotees of Our Lady of Good Success who are sick with cancer or other debilitating diseases, or dying and all who are struggling with their personal crosses! We ask Our Lady of Good Success to assist all who are suffering!
(Please see video update below- you can see their darling girl of almost
three in the videos! God bless them!)

Our Lady, Our Queen and Our Mother!
Please take this cause into Thy Hands and grant it Good Success! Amen.