“This punishment will be for the 20th Century.”
The first mention of Our Lord desiring Mariana to accept the role as victim soul for the 20th Century was in an apparition after her initial period as a religious was completed.
In 1582, Mariana was praying before the Tabernacle saddened by an unhappy incident involving a fellow sister. Unburdening her soul before Our Lord she found herself surrounded in darkness and smoke. She felt that in some way Our Lord was conveying to her that he was displeased with her. Our Lord appeared as He did in His final agony on Golgotha with the Blessed Mother, St. John and Mary Magdalene at His feet. Mariana asked if she was the cause of all of Christ’s suffering. Her Guardian Angel reassured her that she was not to blame.
Then Our Lady responded:
“No, it is not you, but the criminal world.”
As Our Lord agonized, she heard the voice of the Eternal Father saying:
“This punishment will be for the 20th Century.”
Then she saw three swords over the head of Christ. On each was written,
“I shall punish heresy,
I shall punish blasphemy and I shall punish impurity.”
I shall punish blasphemy and I shall punish impurity.”
Then she was given to understand all that would take place in that century. The Holy Virgin continued:
“My daughter will you sacrifice yourself for the people of this time?”
Mariana replied:
“I am willing.”
Immediately, the swords moved away from the agonizing Christ and buried themselves in the heart of Mariana, who fell dead from the violence of the pain.
Noticeably missing from the Community’s scheduled prayers and tasks, the sisters went to look for her. They found her cold with no signs of life. The good sisters tried everything to revive her. A doctor was called and pronounced her dead.

Meanwhile Mariana found herself before the Judgment Seat of God. Pleased with Mariana, God presented her with not “one crown but two – one of immortal glory of indescribable beauty and the other of white lilies surrounded by thorns. He spoke to her saying, My Spouse, chose one of these crowns.”
At that moment, she was instilled with all of the knowledge about the future iniquitous state of some of the unfaithful sisters of the Convent, the inhabitants of Quito, and the Church. She saw how much the world needed souls that would be willing to sacrifice and lead lives of immolation in order to appease Divine Justice who would be poised to chastise sin by fire in order to purify the earth.
And so it was that she understood that this is what the Heavenly Father was asking of her though He also let her know that her life thus far had been completely blameless as to merit Heaven at that moment. Wanting to accept this proposal of self-sacrifice by returning to life, yet hesitating to do so because she feared she would not have the strength to accomplish such a feat, Our Lady consoled her and promised to be the Mistress of Novices and use Mariana as a tool to transform young women into holy religious. Relieved of this concern, she accepted the crown of lilies and thorns which signified returning to the world.
During this time, the sisters and the Franciscans were praying that Mariana’s life would be spared. After a time, when all other avenues were expended, upon Divine inspiration, the Mother Abbess ordered Mariana under holy obedience to return to life which she immediately did.