Please join us on a virtual pilgrimage for the Nine Day Novena to Our Lady of Good Success starting today - January 24th through February 1, 2021.

This will culminate in the great feast day of the Purification and the Candlemas.
However, if you want to send your intentions to Our Lady of Good Success in Quito- Please go to the link below and fill out the form. The Mother Abbess has assured us that she would be most happy to place all of the petitions of devotees of Our Lady of Good Success there at Her feet!

Even if you do not want to send the specifics of your prayer intention just send your name and add: "For my special intentions" and we will make sure your name is placed at the feet of the Miraculous Statue of Our Lady of Good Success in Quito, Ecuador! Click here:

To donate to help the Sisters in Quito and assist us continue our work, go to:
Remember the special message Our Lady of Good Success gave to Mother Mariana meant just for all of us who are experiencing this horrible epoch!
“They will have recourse to Me under the invocation of Our Lady of Good Success and this statue I now ask and command that you have made for the consolation and preservation of My Convent and for those faithful souls of that epoch during which there will be a great devotion to Me, for I am Queen of Heaven under many invocations."
This devotion will be the lightning rod placed between Divine Justice and the prevaricating world to hold back God’s hand from unleashing punishment that this guilty earth deserves.”

Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres
These words were spoken by the Blessed Virgin Mary during an apparition to a cloistered Conceptionist sister in Quito, Ecuador on February 2, 1610. The sister’s name was Mother Mariana Francisca de Jesus Torres. She was graced with a series of apparitions for over 40 years which detailed the Crisis in the Church and Society, in general, in the Twentieth Century and beyond which we have been experiencing intensely since the 1960's.

As a result, this Church approved devotion was born under the grand title of Nuestra Senora del Buen Suceso de la Purificacion y Candlaria which translates to Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification and Candlemas. The Devotion to the Blessed Mother under the invocation of “Our Lady of Good Success,” originating in Quito, Ecuador, officially began in 1610. This devotion became very popular for a time and then dwindled until a resurgence arose, beginning in the Twentieth Century. It is currently increasing in intensity as each year passes.
The most striking details of this devotion center on the evidence given by Our Lady in her discourse with Mother Mariana that it has been specifically given to us by Heaven as a tremendous source of hope and grace during these perilous times and distinctly intended for Catholic souls who look anxiously for Divine intervention to restore the Church to its former glory that it once enjoyed.
The story of the life of Mariana de Jesus Torres was prophesied by the Blessed Virgin Mary to be hidden for centuries only to be made known synonymously with the rekindling of the devotion to Our Lady under the invocation of “Our Lady of Good Success” in the Twentieth Century. This along with many other prophecies involving the future state of the Church and Society have been unfolding in the Twentieth Century just as Our Lady predicted almost 300 years after this holy sister’s birth.
Unfortunately, it seems that this feast day somewhat become obscured...somewhat forgotten, we must work to make this day special for God and Our Lady once again!
The Novena to Our Lady of Good Success begins on Sunday Jan 24th, 2020 and runs through February 1st. The Feast Day is on February 2nd - The Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple, the Purification of Our Lady and Candlemas Day. Please join us on January 24th in the spirit of prayer and penance for our beloved Church which has been experiencing Her Passion...
Let us study and contemplate on the words of Our Lady of Good Success to Mother Mariana about our era! We will be posting a daily blog during the novena. Go to:
Please come to pray and mediate with us on this beautiful devotion starting on Jan 24th!
Please do pass this along to all of your family and friends and email lists as we truly need souls to join us in spirit on a pilgrimage to Our Lady of Good Success in Quito, Ecuador!!!
God bless and keep you always!
PostedEnviado January 23 2024 at 09:56AM bypor Marie P. Monast
We are asked to pray Our Lady of Good Success as a member of the Archconfraternity of The Holy Face V V. Si, so appreciate! 🙏🏼♥️💐
PostedEnviado January 24 2024 at 10:01PM bypor Rose Ann Ingallinera
Thank you for your faithfulness to our God and blessed mother.
PostedEnviado January 23 2025 at 03:45PM bypor Jeanne
Please pray for my husband Jack as we find out what type of cancer he has.