"I seek Veronica's to wipe and venerate My Divine Face which has but few adorers…!"
Dear Friends and Devotees of Our Lady:
We have received a message from the Carmelites in Brooklyn who desperately need more materials to spread the devotion to the Holy Face - most particularly making more Holy Face Protection Crosses for them (and also our Apostolate) as we are both out of them and this project will cost $$$ thousands of dollars $$$ to intiate...but with all of your help- even a small donation start us off on our way to helping the good sisters!
Please consider assisting us in this work of mercy for the Carmelites during this Lenten Season! Any donation given during Lent will be used for this cause! God bless you and please pass this on to everyone you know!!!
We are asking all of you to consider being "Veronica's" for Our Lord and assist us in a project that was originally drawn up in Heaven to be executed here on Earth by a Carmelite Sister in the 1800's.
To donate go here:
On October 27th, 1845, Our Lord spoke to Sr. Marie Pierre, a Carmelite in Tours France who had been chosen by Our Lord to establish a reparatory association against the sins of blasphemy and profanation of Sunday. He said,
"I seek Veronica's to wipe and venerate My Divine Face which has but few adorers…To You I give My Holy Face as a recompense for the services you have performed for Me… It is true you have actually achieved only little but your heart is filled with ardent desires. To you, therefore, I now give this Holy Face in the presence of My Eternal Father and in virtue of the Holy Ghost. Before all the angels and saints, I offer you this gift of My Holy countenance through the hands of my Mother and those of St. Veronica who will teach you how it must be venerated. By My Holy Face you will work wonders!"
For more information -- Go to:
Many thanks to all who responded and joined us for a 54 day novena during Lent as we need to be praying for the world- for the poor Chinese people and all who have been afflicted by disease, pestilence and now upcoming famine as a result perhaps!
We have had a good response but it could be a better total- only about 60 people responded saying they would join us out of THOUSANDS of people!!! Please consider joining us now as we have just a little less than 40 days until Easter!!!
God bless and keep you always!
"Star of the Stormy Sea of my mortal life, may your light shine upon me so I do not stray from the path that leads me to Heaven."
(From the Last Will and Testament of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres)
The Apostolate of Our Lady of Good Success
1288 Summit Ave Suite 107
Oconomowoc, WI. 53066
phone 262-567-0920
website: www.ourladyofgoodsuccess.com
In Jesus and Mary,
Kathleen Heckenkamp