The following links in this blog are from a very old books written in the 1880's by Abbe Janvier - from the Manual of the Holy Face of Jesus and the Life of Sr. Marie St. Peter.
Click on Link above!
Shelter France under the mystery of thy Face, and have mercy on her for the glory of thy Name." (Words of the Sister.}
"Secret societies, the scourge of the French people and the sworn enemy of the Church of God, had long been plotting their destructive machinations. The entire world has been more or less poisoned by the pernicious influence of both political and religious sects, diametrically opposed to all law and order. France, unhappily, has been the centre, and the most active agent in the formation and encouragement of these diabolical institutions. It is from her midst, Paris especially, that the revolutionary and anti-social spirit has spread all over Europe, assuming different names at different epochs to suit the caprice of the moment ; at one time styling themselves Socialists, then Liberals, and again Nihilists..."
Click here to read more: Abbe Janvier wrote a whole chapter on the Communists and how Our Lord have specifically given this devotion to us via Sr. Marie St. Peter to fight this scourge on the world!
Instead of the Credo, say:
We adore Thee, O Jesus, and we bless Thee, because Thou hast redeemed the world by Thy holy Cross. Upon the three small beads of the cross, say:
Upon the five large bead, say: We invoke Thee, O sacred Name of the living God, by the mouth of Jesus in the most holy Sacrament, and we offer Thee, O my God, by the blessed hands of the most holy Virgin Mary, all the holy hosts which are upon our altars as a sacrifice of honorable amends and of reparation for all the blasphemies which outrage Thy Holy Name. Upon each small bead of ten, say:
Prayer We invoke Thee, O sacred Name of the living God, through the mouth of Jesus in the most Holy Sacrament, and we offer Thee, o my God, by the blessed hands of the most holy Virgin Mary, all the Holy Hosts which are upon our altars, as a sacrifice of honorable amends for all the blasphemies which outrage Thy Holy Name.
PostedEnviado February 20 2022 at 08:57AM bypor Judith
Thank You